Orthopedic Injuries
Orthopedic injuries are those sustained in the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscles that support the bones and the functioning of the skeletal system. These injuries are typically sustained in a motor-vehicle accident, or fall. An orthopedic injury can drastically change your life. It can also lead to further problems down the road, such as the development of arthritis in an affected joint.
Any serious injury to your delicate muscular skeletal system requires the earliest possible diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The treatment for these injuries can be extensive and costly. A fracture can involve a cast, pin, or splint to hold the bone in the perfectly aligned position to heal and function normally after healing. Surgery may be required, which can include the insertion of hardware, plates, pins and screws, to hold everything together. Further surgery may be required to remove intruding screws or pins. Rehabilitation is a long process. It can disrupt both your work life and family life.
Many of these injuries happen as a result of a fault of another. Whether it is an accident involving a motor vehicle, recreation, faulty or poorly designed staircases, a defective product, wet floor in a shopping mall or simply not cleaning a walkway during the winter time – you may be eligible for compensation.
If you or one of your loved ones sustained an orthopedic injury as a result of an accident on the road, at a facility or property owned by another, please call SBMB Law at 905-884-9242 for a FREE consultation to evaluate your circumstances and see if you may be eligible for compensation. Speak to our expert who is Certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Civil Litigation and Health Law.